Monday, 28 April 2014

The Liebster Award

The Liebster Award is given to up-and-coming bloggers who have 200 followers or less.  The word 'liebster' is German and roughly translates to mean: 'dearest', 'pleasant', 'valued', 'welcome', cute' and 'endearing'.  This Liebster award is passed between bloggers as a way of connecting and expanding the blogging community.  When you receive the award, you must answer 11 questions asked by your nominee.  In turn you must then nominate your choice of blogs, ask them 11 questions and notify them that you are giving them the award! 

Firstly, thank you so much Keira, of Little Law for the nomination - she's got a phenomenal blog and you really should check it out. 

1) Why did you start your blog?
I'd been following loads of blogs (mostly style but some lifestyle and art) for years when it dawned on me that I could start one myself. Then about 5 years after that I actually started one! It took me so long because I spent so much time worrying about what people would think! 
(2) Is there a particular blog that inspires you?
I love South Molton Street Style. The blog is all about finding pieces to create the perfect capsule wardrobe, which means it's full of great classic clothes worn in interesting ways. I also keep up to date with We Wore What, which is an outfit of the day style blog and is great for day to day inspiration. I follow a huge number of blogs and the rest of my favourites are listed in my Blog Roll
(3) What is your dream holiday?
I've never been to India and I'm absolutely desperate to go, so that would probably be my number one! However, Paris is my favourite city in the world. I can't go enough, so anytime spent there feels like a perfect holiday to me.
(4) What is your advice for someone wanting to start their own blog?
Just do it! I know that's so easy to say but it took me so long to start mine and now that I have I love it! Write about what you're interested in - it isn't easy to keep up with regular posts along side a full time job or the equivalent, and I imagine it's impossible if you don't care passionately about your subject.   
(5) What's your dream job?
Psychiatrist - interpret that however you like...
(6) What is your earliest memory?
My earliest memories are learning to ride my bike in the park near my old house in Wimbledon and arguing with my nanny about what I wanted to wear! I'm not sure which one was first. 
(7) What are your three essential beauty products?
As I darken my eyebrows, top of my list is the eye shadow from Mac, which I use in a shade called Handwritten. Moisturiser is an essential for everyone and I use Boots No. 7 Beautiful Skin. Finally, I never like to go out without a spritz of perfume and my scent is Chanel Chance Eau Tendre
(8) Do you have a favourite book or author?
My all time favourite book is Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. My love of Jane Eyre led me to "Wide Sargasso Sea" by Jean Rhys which is an incredible book about one of the most misunderstood literary characters ever. As a child I absolutely loved "Journey To The River Sea" by Eva Ibbotson, and I won't lie, my favourite books, now and forever, have to be the Harry Potter series.
(9) What is your favourite quote?
"We are never so helplessly unhappy as when we lose love" - Sigmund Freud 
…and a less serious one that I find applies to me almost daily - "When a woman says "I have nothing to wear!" She really means "There's nothing here for who I'm supposed to be today"" - Caitlin Moran 
(10) What is your favourite post that you have written?
For me the posts are much more about the pictures than the writing, I've only recently started explaining why is it I've chosen to wear certain things. So my favourite outfits so far are probably Friday's Child, Life Round Here and Friday Feeling.
(11) Where do you see your blog taking you in the next year?
Well to start with I'd like a few more followers! Hopefully I'll get to a point where up and coming brands will want to use my blog to get the word out about their products. 

Thanks again Little Law for the nomination! 

My Nominations are:

My Questions for you are:

1. Why did you start your blog
2. What is your all time favourite song?
3. What has been your most expensive purchase?
4. Did you make any new years resolutions this year, and if you did, what were they?
5. What has been your favourite post so far? 
6. What was the last film you saw and what did you think of it?
7. Describe your perfect weekend?
8. What is your favourite brand or high street shop?
9. What blogs do you follow and why? 
10. Where is your favourite city? 
11. Where do you see your blog taking you in the next year? 

Thanks so much to everyone who reads my posts!


  1. Thanks for the nomination! Love your blog x

  2. Thanks! I've followed you on blogspot and bloglovin! Follow me back xx

  3. Thank you so much for the follow.
    Follow you back on bloglovin.
    Btw,I'm also on Instagram,maybe you like my account?
    Lovely greets from germany ;-)

  4. Loved reading your answers to the nomination questions - and thanks for the lovely shout out!

    Keira | Little Law
